Picture of Isaac Sarayiah's 40th Birthday Cake in "Celebration of Life"
Picture of Isaac's "Celebration of Life" 40th Birthday Cake with a LOT of Candles!
Continued Celebrations After Blowing Out All Those Candles(!) Picture by Dafyyd Jones www.dafjones.com
Synopsis: Thanking the beautiful Angel that saved my Life, as I become 40...
...Today I reach the grand old age of 40 having been born 5 hours ahead of the 29th Feb in 1972 in what was a leap year - otherwise I would be a mere 10 years of age today (but a rather odd looking 10 year old if I do say so myself :-)). I do wonder what the people who are born on the 29th Feb do for their Birthday’s every 3 years out of the 4 and do they suffer an identity crisis because of it? I think if I was born on the 29th Feb I would have 2 Birthdays – one on each side of the year – to compensate. In fact, in one year, whilst I was studying for my Masters at University College, Durham University – and I use the word “studying” in the loosest of senses, as I almost got kicked out for my preference to party with the undergraduates as opposed to reading a list of books as long as my arm – I did have 2 birthday celebrations. The first one – on my actual Birthday and I always do things on the day as opposed to postponing for the weekend – annoying to some, but just one of my fetishes; I hired a coach for about 30 of us to go and party in York which (for my International readers) is a city about 75 miles away from Durham and both are in the North East of England and where I had studied for my undergraduate degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE). I had wowed :-) my fellow University College students with my stories of York and thought it would be fun to show them the pleasures of the city and how to party! In delight they gave me a ginormous card, about half the size of 5’8” tall me, signed with witty (and some crude) comments from everyone.
The second Birthday celebration was a week later when my fellow Durham friends who couldn’t make the road trip held a surprise dinner for me. I recall how a first year student at the time was sent to collect me from my room and they took me on a maze of avenues and streets in Durham venturing random premises before we reached our final destination where – to my astonishment – there were about 30 first year undergraduate friends waiting for me to celebrate at this restaurant. Ah those were the days...
I was 23 that time, as that was 1995 and it seems – in the words of George Lucas, “…A Galaxy Far Far Away.” Since then my life has been a roller coaster with great highs but equally devastating lows as relayed on here (See "How Do you Solve A Problem Like Maria?" and "I Believe In Angels") and, as one of my closest of friend’s - Michael Gelardi – said to me recently as I ventured with him to a recording studio for him to record the song he has written, “Lady Love” (and to be delivery boy with the beers and food) – that it was touch and go whether I would even see 39 let alone 40. Well thanks to the beautiful Angel which appeared to me on that day in Dec 2010 (See "I Believe In Angels"), I am still here and now sharing my views to try and help everyone unlock the Mysteries of Life, Love and Relationships…So I trust everyone will have a wonderful day and today I am going to party like it is 1995 and celebrate my life with my friends and family with a very special thank you and Love to the Angel.
Love Always
PS. To listen to my friend, Michael Gelardi's, song, “Lady Love,” where he also performs on keyboard and is sung by, Rubin Richards click here Lady Love by Michael Gelardi
[6th March 2012: A quick update to say that it was a very special evening. A wonderful thank you to all those who braved what is colloquially known as a "School Night" to attend :-)x. A couple of pics from the night have been added to the beginning of the article, but more can be seen at my Facebook profile - www.facebook.com/sarayiah Xx]
[Also read Isaac's latest posts, "One Last Sleep", 'She Died in my Arms Tonight... RIP Mum, 1st June 1935 to 13th June 2014;' "A Kiss from a Rose", 'A Champagne and Rolex Affair...; "Sex on Fire", Making you Shine for Valentine's Day; an emotional aphrodisiac and Isaac's steamiest article yet...; "A Giraffe is not just for Xmas" and "The Bobby Ewing Shuffle", the follow up to “True Love at 15000,” an article stirred with beautiful love, showers, dreams and Dallas x... Other relevant articles include: "True Love at 15000", an article about 'coming of age,' wisdom, dreams and, of course, True Love...; "Let's Face the Music and Dance", the follow up to, "The Lonely Goatherd," and an insightful look at relationships and the lessons to be learned from our elders; "Scream and Shout", exploring Love at Xmas Time... Let it ALL OUT!; "Naked Fishes", a Birthday celebration of theSarayiahpost.com's Modern Day heroine, Maria; "Suicide Blonde", an unbridled account of how Isaac’s world collapsed and why he is still alive today to tell his story; "A Journey Becomes One", an article full of Heart & Love as Isaac Sarayiah Celebrates becoming a "Little Daddy," "Healing Power of Sand," Isaac's guide to Healing the Mind, Body and Spirit of Life’s stresses and emotional complexities and provide a path to True Happiness and Love, "The Naked Countess - Interview Inclusive" and "Staying Alive"]